Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy First Pink Saturday of the New Year!!!!

Since I still feel I am surrounded by Christmas, I thought I would pull up some older photos for Pink Saturday. You have seen my Pink bedroom at 1515 but not at my house. Here are the pictures but I want to focus on the quilt.

This is my bedroom/computer room at home. The chandelier is from my husband's house he grew up in. I found it in the attic and his parents had taken it down to put up a ceiling fan...I grabbed it!
The stroller is my mothers' at that is a post for another day.
The bed is my canopy bed from home, I had to take the canopy off to put up the chandelier.

The quilt is what I wanted you to look notice one on the bed and an identical one folded up at the end of the bed?

After my Grandmother died, my Mother found two quilt tops pieced together all ready to be quilted. They would of been done by my Great Grandmother and they are pink! My home town is a few miles from an Amish community so she found someone to finish the tops by hand. She had just one done, and had it on her bed. I guess my Mom loved having a pink bedroom too!

When I bought my house in 1995 she had the other one finished so I could put it in the pink bedroom at my house. Yes, when I moved in this bedroom was already pink! I thought it was so nice that we had the same looking quilts at our home. After my Mom died the 2 quilts, now finished were reunited. To know they were made by my Great Grandmother, held for years by my Grandmother, covered my Mother every a way to start the New Year with a smile on my face and a heart so full.

Happy New Year!

Thanks for following me and letting me a part of your life by sharing my Sentimental Life.

Joining Pink Saturday at How Sweet the Sound


Rebecca said...

Your stories are the best-looking forward to more in 2011!

Unknown said...

What beautiful quilts ... I love the feedsack fabrics used in these vintage pieces. Your bedroom is gorgeous & I so love that chandie.

I wish you the best of joys, life & loves this New Year.

Happy New Year!
TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

Jil~Say It With Roses said...

Beautiful room, beautiful quilt and a great story!
Wishing You A Very Happy New Year!

Country Wings in Phoenix said...

Happy New Year Anne Sweetie...
What a beautiful share for the first of the New Year. I love it. Your chandelier is so beautiful. I can't imagine taking it down for a fan, but a good thing for you, you got a beautiful freebie that had memories for your DH. I love that most of all.

Your quilt made by your precious Grandmother and shared down through the family, and I love that the two are now reunited, oh Anne that is just priceless. I love it. Thank you for sharing that story. It so touched my heart.

I can't wait to hear the story about your Momma's doll buggy. I just know it will be precious.

I have enjoyed blogging with you in 2010 and can't wait to see what 2011 bring us.

Many hugs and much love, Sherry

Nancy said...

Oh, isn't that just the best quilt story? You are truly blessed to have them both. I also love the chandelier.

Happy New Year!

LV said...

I love quilts and enjoyed hearing all about your treasures. These are great if quilted by the Amish. They do such beautiful work on everything.

Char said...

Oh how I love quilts and your post is just perfect. Happy Pink Saturday and wishing you and yours a very Happy New Year, Char

Unknown said...

I so loved your post! The quilts are wonderful and quite a treasure indeed. I have a few things from my great grandmother and grandmother and I treasure them dearly. Have a wonderful New Year!
Hugs, LisaKay

Pam said...

I loved reading the story of your two quilts. Such a touching story. Glad the two are now back together in your bedroom.

Happy New Year.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post. I would love to have something made by my greatgrandmother and use by all the daughters. Such a priceless and meaningful quilt. Happy New Year.

Debbie-Dabble Blog and A Debbie-Dabble Christmas said...

What a great post!! Your quilts are such treasures for you to have!

Happy PS and Happy New Year!!


Annesphamily said...

You have such a beautiful quilt history. I really love it. You are very blessed to have such a wonderful history to take with you wherever you go! Plus the pinkness is amazing. I hope your New Year is full of wonderful blessings. Hugs Anne

Lottie said...

Ann, this is the first time I have visited your blog and I just love it! Happy New Year to you and your family!

fitty's pinky rose cottage said...

such a comfy room! love love all the precious treasures you have around you! thanks for sharin. have a happy new year!

Catlyn Berry (Cizz) said...

Oh Ann, the quilts are truly beautiful as is the memories that go with them, I love your pink room!
Happy New Year and Many Blessings!


Sherry from Alabama said...

What a beautiful room and filled with such sweet memories. Aren't you the lucky one to find that cute chandelier waiting around in the attic? The quilt and the room are just perfect.

Wishing you a blessed New Year!

Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

P.S. I love your blog and am signing up as a follower.

Donnie said...

That is so sweet. My MIL made a beautiful quilt all by hand and I love it. So many memories. Have a wonderful New Year.

Unknown said...

What a treasure those quilts are! Happy Pink New Years!

Gail said...

Love the quilts, and how they have touched the generations in you family. I am a quilter so hearing your story really is inspiring.
Happy New Year, Happy PS

Pam Kessler said...

What a great story about the quilts. And they look gorgeous in your pink room.

Unknown said...

Such a sweet post! Happy New Year and happy PS! That pink bedroom is delicious!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful story! Your quilts and bedroom are beautiful! Can you tell me the name of the artist who did the print above the bed?

HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!