Wednesday, June 19, 2013

I Made the Plunge

I have noticed that everyone seems to be growing their Facebook pages.
And many blogs I now read through FB.
I really have been having writers block lately, maybe just too 
much on my mind with Mr trying to sell his family business and the planning
for The Charleston Riot Anniversary
I have been enjoying my new camera

have been neglecting reading your blogs
posting a new one

But then I realized with everyone on FB I did not want to loose

The name 
"A Sentimental Life"

so if your so inclined
please free to follow me on 

you can "weigh in" on my posts!



  1. I think I am your first facebook like :)). Looking forward to seeing you on FB and reading your blog posts.

  2. Wow~ I did not know you were on Facebook.... I like you... Ha ha.. I really don't do too much facebooking but I will for you...

  3. I will head over to Facebook, and please send me a friend request there so we can connect in that way. I am Terra Hangen, sometimes we only know each other by first name or blog addy.

  4. I would follow you but I don't do Facebook.

  5. Sorry Ann, I don't do Facebook, but I do "like" your blog! :) Pam

  6. Beautiful photos, Ann. Life is pretty hectic these days with summer schedules, vacations and such. I'm in and out of blogland, but I try and catch up with reading from my sidebar blog roll. Glad I caught up with you today.

    Sue CollectInTexasGal~Today's Post~
    Tombstone Tuesday...Chester's Stone Stump Still Standing

  7. Ann,
    Hello, dear freind!!!
    Glad to see you will be on FB, also!!!
    I will look for you there!!!
    Your photos are gorgeous!!!
    I enJOYed this photo post, immensely!

  8. I should do that with Linderhof as well. Love your pictures!

  9. I will be glad to friend you on FB. I would love to fill my FB with beautiful gardens instead of all the political stuff some of my friends obsess over. Your flowers are gorgeous!
