Monday, August 1, 2011


Meet Elsha

Years ago when my Mother was having a difficult time after her Mother died, and taking care of my Grandfather, I sent her this bear in the mail.

She always knew how to make me feel better and I wanted to do the same for her. Mom named her Elsha and she always sat on her slipper chair in her bedroom.

I am thinking I wish I could send my dear sister in law a Elsha today. She is facing surgery on Friday, and it is very serious and let us just say she and my husbands brother have a very long road in front of them.
I am also thinking of my cousin Tom, he was diagnosed 2 years ago now with cancer and is struggling right now.

Elsha brighten my Mom's day and I just wish I could make things better for both of them now.

I will just send them my love


  1. You and your family are in my thoughts. Be blessed.

  2. How sweet that you still have the bear. Cancer is such an awful disease. Both of my folks died from it three months apart. I hate what it does to families.

  3. Sometimes a little something,something, like that bears makes a big, big, difference. Richard from My Old Historic House,

  4. What a sweet Bear and thoughtful memories, Thanks for sharing your Paper Doll story, and yes I bet you still have yours, you are one of those lucky ones that has so many treasures from their past. Hugs, Diane

  5. Your bear Elsha is very special - maybe you should send it along? Sorry that members of your family are suffering, here's sending some good wishes to them and hoping they are able to fight and win.

  6. Love is always the best gift of all - but bears are pretty good too! Warm thoughts to you and your family as you go through this difficult time.

  7. Hello Ann,
    I'm sorry to read about your family going through such trying times. Sometimes it's the little things that give us the greatest comfort and I'm sure your love and concern is what they need right now. And I'm sure your bear and family will give you comfort when you need it. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.

  8. Hi My Sweet Ann,

    I'm thinking about you and your family today. Wishing you the best always.

    Love you,
    (Mrs. D)
    1893 Victorian Farmhouse

  9. It's amazing how a small furry item can still make a grown up feel better-just having something to hold on to. Your family will be in my prayers this week.
