Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa Update!

Did you read about my Santa that belonged to my Grandparents??

My dear friend Tete did some looking up on Morris 5&10. You see it was not in the town where my Grandparents lived.

Here is the interesting thing....the town in in Indiana, Madison. My Grandparents are from Central ILL. but from my Aunts, and Grandmother's diaries I know they went on a trip to Madison once. The next part is my Aunt (their daughter) moved to a town about 30 miles from Madison in the 1940's. When I go to see them we go shopping in downtown Madison and I have been to where the 5 &10 use to be! It is a small world!

Thanks to my Grandmother leaving the price tag on, my Aunt writing diaries from 1904-1960's and Tete I can pinpoint the exact date and place where she bought that precious Santa so many years ago!

I find that fascinating!


  1. So cool- and now you have the rest of the story and can pass that on down the line!
    I thought it was fun when I found that online!
    Hugs- Tete

  2. I love how you both put all the pieces together-isn't Tete great-she's done some research for me in the past!
