Sunday, February 8, 2015


Time for a little Valentine vignette
I had not given my Jadeite much attention lately, so how about center stage?
my Hoosier cabinet ready for Valentines Day
and a few of my Jadeite piece.

I remember on a trip with my Mom finding this creamer and sugar for about $3
I also like jadetie because it brought back wonderful memories of church.
Seems our those were our church dishes and I can remember putting money in a little jadeite bowl and Sunday School.

So are you ready for a cup of tea from a Jadeite coffee cup?

this one makes me think of Mr. because he makes me waffles.

Now for the Friendship
Look what Pam from 
Virgina Retro sent me!

it fits right in!

Happy Valentines Day to all my Blog Friends
and Friday is Mr. birthday so I will be making Brownies in his Mom's
heart shaped cake pan.

yes, Mr, and his Mom on his 1st birthday and see the heart shaped cake!



  1. Hi Ann,
    What a sweet post. You have such special memories to go along with everything, how nice.
    Take care and have a great week,

  2. Happy Valentine's Day. Your display reflects a traditional, happy celebration. I do miss those sweet little Valentines. The jade glass is pretty, a nice reminder of your mom and childhood.

  3. Hi Ann! Oh, I love your pretty Jadeite and I have a cup and saucer like yours! Oh, sweet little story too and your display looks wonderful. Love the creamer and sugar bowl. Hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  4. Do you collect Jadite and do you need more?

  5. Oh Ann, I'm amazed you have that same cake pan. Love that, so nostalgic. Happy Birthday to your hubby. Such a great photo!

    Your hoosier looks wonderful and I am honored you chose to include the Valentine card in your display. :) I own 3 mismatched pieces of jadeite. You have given me the idea, going to use it in my St. Patricks Day display.

    Hugs, Pam

  6. Ann, How very special to make heart shaped brownies in your MIL pan. I love those green dishes,my aunt Helen had lots of those. I gave my mom's meat platter to my granddaughter for a wedding gift. I told her since she loves to cook, mommy would want her to have it. Blessings, xoxo,Susie
    p.s. happy birthday to your sweetheart.

  7. Wow...your Jadeite is beautiful. What a special collection of pieces and perfect with your valentines. Love them all, too. Happy Birthday to your Mr..such a neat photo. Enjoyed this Valentine post so much. Happy Valentines to you both!
    Sue at CollectInTexas Gal

  8. Thanks for popping in, Ann, and hope you're doing well.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. Happy Valentine's Day Ann! I love all of your Jadeite pieces!

  10. The sweet valentines look so pretty displayed with the Jadeite. To me Jadeite almost looks like it glows a little from within. The tea cup and saucer and the vase especially caught my eye.

  11. Hi Anna ~ Love, love, love your jadite and your sweet vintage valentines are adorable ~
