Saturday, August 30, 2014

Vintage Pink Rug

So happy to of found this at a flea market for under $20!
I vacuumed it well but am wondering how to clean a vintage rug like this?

think it goes well in the pink bedroom at 1515


  1. The rug is so pretty and adds so much to the pink bedroom.

  2. So pretty Ann, and just lovely in that beautiful bedroom. What a great bedroom to stay in.

    I would just use that spray foam shampoo, let it sit, vacuum and hang in the sun for a bit. That should do it (it actually looks pretty clean.)

    Enjoy your weekend! :)

  3. It really is a pretty rug! Wish I had found it! :-)

  4. It's a really pretty room. Love the rug!!!have a beautiful weekend.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  5. It's a really pretty room. Love the rug!!!have a beautiful weekend.
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  6. Hi Ann,
    I have purchased old rugs many times (10) I vacuum them well, shake them well and then place them into a bath tub filled with cool water that I have added laundry detergent to and sometimes even a splash of bleach if I want to eliminate odors or stains. One rug I had to wash 5 times because it was full of dirt, but I knew it was a beauty underneath all that filth! Remember it is rug, meant to be stepped on by dirty feet....gentle soaking and thorough rinsing will give you a wonderful "new" rug.
    Hope this helps!
    Kind regards, Laura.

  7. Your rug is just gorgeous, Ann! What a great find. It looks perfect in your pretty pink bedroom:)

  8. Hi Ann, Your rug looks wonderful in the pink bedroom! Love it!
