Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Snow...The Cold.....

Yep it snowed here, husband has taken me to work everyday in our 4x4.
the garden cottage and potting shed are hibernating

there is a drift outside my bedroom window on the porch roof

there really is a road between the pole and evergreen

Mr and neighbor, this is not the weather for one of our porch parties!

after the winds my car is buried now

But there is some beauty

no porch sitting today

The "cold" is 2 fold
the record setting temps
and the cold I am now suffering from
For the first time ever I have laryngitis!
I called in today.....well I texted in to my boss since I can not talk!
Nurses can not work if they can not talk.

I am suppose to head to 1515 tomorrow, but the roads there are still
drifted over in some areas....after all it is the prairie.
Tete from Beyond the Garden Gate will keep me updated
on the road conditions at 1515!

Instead I will try to heal.


  1. I hope that you get to feeling better soon.
    It looks so cold there. We had bitter weather but it is finally warming up. My son is stranded not far from your part of the country. I know God was watching out for him since he drove the big truck on the ice for some time until he could pull off.

    The snow is sure pretty, though, isn't it?

  2. Happy New Year! Hope you're feeling better soon! Your photos are beautiful, thanks for sharing them with us. Have a great week,

  3. Your snow pictures are very pretty! We got it here too. I think I have officially had my fill of snow for the year, no matter how pretty it is to look at :) Take care and I hope you will feel better soon!

  4. I hope you get better real soon Ann. I would not know what to do with all that snow:}

  5. Brrr! It has been so darn cold and snowy here too, Ann! I don't know about you, but I am so ready for spring:) Hope you are feeling better soon. This must be a bad year for bugs, as I had one of my worst colds ever before Christmas, and I couldn't talk for 3 days! I've never had laryngitis like that before! Keep warm!

  6. Oh my ~ I do hope you heal well and quickly. It is not nice to be sick. Stay warm and stay well my friend. We are experiencing the same here. It's just absolutely frigid. I'm now wearing my long johns ;-) just to stay warm. Just remember, the spring will come and this is the time for rejuvenation in all of the wonderful plants and flowers. They may be sleeping, but they will awake in Spring ~

  7. No porch sitting today for sure. I hope you feel better soon, Ann. It is bad enough to have this kind of weather but then to feel ill on top of it makes it worse.

    Love your neighbor's white coat and your pictures are gorgeous- xo Diana

  8. There is beauty in winter as long as we can endure winter on our own terms. Driving to work on miserable roads is the worst. Hope you are recovering.

  9. Wow! What beautiful pictures of the snow! Hope you feel better soon!
