Sunday, April 28, 2013

A Look Back

A year ago I started my May vacation,

I remember it well I did a post on it because
it was so memorable.
It cost $8,000 worth of damage to my
car, because it got hailed on twice in one day and 2 
different locations.
Luckily my husband's SUV was spared.
We still need to get our new roof on.

But the other thing was the progression of the

My tulips are just now blooming, my lilac is ready,
the forsythia has finished and the red buds are at a
beautiful peak.
However last year
The Iris's were blooming
My David Austin roses were showing their first blooms
I was making bouquets of rose, lilacs

This year none of this yet.
I do have pansies planted
and yesterday Mr. brought the ferns and hanging
geraniums from his business where they go for the winter.

Yesterday was so cold and rainy I turned the heat back on.
I hate having the heat on.
But maybe I don't mind the flowers being late this year.
I am taking vacation later this year
and hopefully the weather will warm up
and I will see the peonies at 1515 all in bloom.
do you remember they were the flowers
of Memorial Day?
People took them to the cemetery.
This year that may be possible
circa 1950
Mama and Papa Snyder
(my Great Grandparents)
taking Peony bouquets to the cemetery.

It is so interesting to go back and read your blog and see
where, what and how you were doing a year ago.
Maybe I need to see what I was doing 2 years ago.
So I was the Royal wedding
and I was thinking about being in London
 with my Mom in the 1990's.
Have a great Sunday


  1. Ann, your are so right about going back and reading. I had completely stopped blogging, and thought about all of the things you just said about being able to go back, so I started a new blog. I hope you have time to stop by. I have always drooled over your header pic. I dream of having flowers as pretty as yours some day, but with my black thumb, I doubt that happens. We too, are having really crazy weather here in the south. My hubby hasn't even gotten our garden planted yet.....YIKES!

  2. Ann, I love all your flowers. My mom loved her irises and lilacs. When my mom passed away, I brought some lilac starts from her place...they are going to bloom this year. I am happy about it. Hope you are enjoying the spring's chilly here today. xoxo,Susie

  3. What a great way to accept when your flowers are late blooming. :)
    I'm seeing my peony stems getting to about 8" tall, so maybe mine will be blooming by Memorial Day.

    Great pictures!

  4. Gorgeous flowers! Your spring may be late, but goodness~at least you're not having hail. We've warmed up and planted lots of tiny veggie plants today.

    Thank you for the sweet note Ann, I really enjoyed receiving it.
    xo, Pam

  5. I just showed my hubby your beautiful tree and flowers in the header and he said he would try and build me a bed like that. :)

  6. Oh Ann,
    I can relate. We didnt have a hail storm last year but we did have lots of flowers in bloom. Not this May. We are just seeing our Daffodil's and the Tulips have yet to open. Lilac are budding but we have a while to go..What strange weather from one year to the next!
    That's Mother Earth for you! Enjoy any flower at this moment!

  7. Ann,
    Amazing how a year can make such a difference in one's life, isn't it??? Finally, as i feel Spring has arrived here on the Prairie...the weatheman had the nerve to say that SNOW was in the forecast for later in the week. i do hope he is wrong!!!
    I remember helping my Grandmother cut peonies and other flowers for the Cemetary...also putting bouquets that the ladies in our small town had hand tied on the servicemembers graves!!!
    EnJOY your upcoming vacation, dear friend!!!

  8. We have had two days of beautiful weather, windows open, people wearing shorts, and flip flops. Tomorrow and through the weekend it will be cold with rain, rain, and more rain. I sure hope I don't have to turn my heat on.
    I adore peonies we had a huge fenced off area when I was young full of these marvelous flowers. I liked watching the ants march around the unopened buds.
    You always bring back great memories for me with your posts.
