Saturday, December 29, 2012


It was snowing on the way home last night
not a very good commute.
The person in front of me on a hill did a 180.
Yes, he headed back down the hill towards me,
I stopped then got stuck!
It took a while but I got up the hill,
he merrily went on his way back down the hill.
Headed to 1515 today, they have 5 inches on the ground.
Not too much here, just enough to make it pretty
the garden is asleep
no porch sitting, there is snow on the pillow
no sounds of the fountain
time to feed the birds, they have eating all their food
Have a safe and happy day! 


  1. Everything looks so pretty. You know what I'm doing today. Staying safe and warm by the fire and catching up with all my blog friends ~ Have a wonderful day ;-)

  2. I am glad you made it home safe and sound. The snow looks so so pretty! It does make me romanticize about living where it snows!

  3. Ann, We dug out today also. Had to refill the bird feeders. Bless them they are hungry. I do not want out on these roads.YIKES. xoxox, Susie

  4. The snow is pretty. We have a dreary rain and lots of wind after that called for. I am making a fire and snuggling with the pets.

  5. Your snow is lovely! Just the perfect amount to cover the ground without being too much of a hassle underfoot.

  6. Ann, the roof tops look so pretty in the snow. Glad you made it home ok!

  7. Beautiful. 1515 looks like a Christmas card. I hope your journeys are safe and sound. Happy New year!

  8. Glad you made it home safely, Ann! Nothing like driving (and getting stuck!) in snow! We have about 5-6" here, it's pretty but cold! What beautiful photos:)

  9. Hills can be so dangerous..glad you made it okay along with the other driver..Happy New Year!

  10. Beautiful photos, too bad you had to drive in it! Glad you made it home safely....stay warm!

  11. Snow here too. And very cold. Have a Happy New Year, Ann.

  12. I am glad you didn't get hit by that guy last night! It all looks beautiful there. Blessings- xo Diana

  13. Oh My...your porch is a post card picture perfect. Even with the slipping and sliding on the road, snow is so least while it is falling. No SNOW here in Texas...yet. Sometimes we get a bit of Snowfall in January.

    I've so enjoyed your 1515 posts during the holidays. Thanks so much for sharing your family home and stories.

    I'm enjoying a few days off from work and doing some quilt piecing. Hope you will have a chance to stop by and see the blocks I'm working on. Hope you have a Happy New Year!

  14. Beautiful winter wonderland! I miss it so much this time of year...wish I was back in NY with my family, when I was a kid, having fun in the snow in front of my house, lol...Thank you for your sweet and kind visits; hope we can visit each other next year too. All the best of happiness and health for all of you!

  15. What gorgeous images!

    Have a very Happy New Year!

  16. You got some lovely photo's the snow freshly fallen usely makes everything look calm and peaceful.
    Happy New Year.
