Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Recipe Box is as Good as a Jewelry Box

Today I was puddering around the kitchen.
I thought I would think about what to put out on the Hoosier cabinet.

I was looking at..."what have I tucked in here?"
The space where I keep smaller older cookbooks.
Love this little cookbook and display it often
But the weird thing was this?

What is this stuck in the book?

A really old kitten print....I swear I have NEVER SEEN THIS?
How can that be?
here is the back....
grasshopper written on the back?

So I moved on pulling out things..
That is where Mom's recipes went to?
I put them in here to sort them because I did not like her recipe box.

As I pulled out more things, it was a treasure trove of memories of the women 
in my life.
My sweet Maternal Grandma in her kitchen.
She always made her Apple Crisp in the fall and I loved it.
(Robin from Decorating Tennis Girl, you can barely see her stove like yours)

More that were my paternal Grandmother and Great Grandmother
Cooked in kitchen at 1515
My Mom and my Dad's sister

My first cookbook...actually a journal that I wrote family recipes in
Great Grandmother Willingham Divinity
never was a Christmas without it..
I found the original my Grandmother wrote, a recipe from her MIL

My Mom's handwriting
she loved Carmel Corn
she made it on Halloween for us.

Many recipes from a mimeograph machine
(can you smell the ink?)
My Mom was a teacher so they passed around recipes.
In my Grandmothers recipe box there are many names I recognize 
from her days in Eastern Star

I wrote this one out myself in 1974!
It is from my neighbor Lola who, was like a Grandmother to me.
It uses REAL snow??

Seeing my Mom's handwriting still puts a lump in my throat.
We both loved Coconut Cream Pie.

I am lucky, I have Mom's, Grandma's and my Great Grandmother's 
Recipe Boxes.
They are hiding in my pantry
The wooden was is my Great Grandmothers, the metal one Grandma's 
and the Herb one mine.

Last year I copied some and put in my cousins stocking for 
Christmas...they were ones written by their Grandmother.
I am thinking that they might look good on 
the aprons I picked up at an estate sale?
never too early to plan a Christmas gift.

Going through these boxes reminded me of 
looking through they jewelry boxes.

Like a piece of jewelry a recipe reflects a moment in that persons life.
Was it something they always cooked at Christmas not similar to a  piece of jewelry
they wore every Christmas?

What do you think....


  1. Oh I love that trip down 70s lane! Grandma in her 'Pant Suit' and the harvest gold coffee pot! I bet you were tickled pink to see the recipes and now, get busy in that kitchen and cook up those family treasures! FUN!

  2. Oh Ann, what a treasure trove you found! I have my moms wooden recipe box, and all of her prized recipes. I also have many from my maternal grandmother. I made a collage of them, and have them hanging in my kitchen. such sweet memories! thanks for coming by to visit me!


  3. How lucky you are to have this history at your fingertips. Such a treasure ~ when you are feeling like you need to make something from the past, just open up the treasure trove and go for it ~

  4. Hi Ann! How marvelous to have all of these sweet recipes and written in your family's handwriting! What treasures! Wouldn't it be cute to scan some of the recipes and transfer them onto a little tea towel for your kitchen?
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  5. Those old hand written recipes are such a treasure, Ann! And so funny about that found painting in the cookbook! I wonder how it got there?

  6. I love this, Ann. Isn't that print with the kittens and grasshopper just adorable? What treasures to have in you possession. xo Diana

  7. You put that perfectly. Family recipe box like a jewelry box. So true. I would love to have my mom's but with 6 girl's, I doult I will. I want my mom to take a journal and write out all of our favorites and give us each one for a gift. She doesn't think her writing is good enough anymore. But it is!
    Those handwritten recipes are priceless!
    PS, just love those paint suits. That really brings back memories!


  8. Hi Ann

    I think family recipies written by our ancestors are THE most precious of objects, transferring us back into the busy kitchens and family gatherings of yesteryear. You need to keep adding to them and choosing who will be the next holder of this wonderful family archive :o)

  9. Love this post! - I've done a similar one - I have a bunch of recipe boxes too - Mom's and my two grandmothers. I really need to start making some of the recipes, especially the ones I remember!

  10. Isn't it like Christmas when you find things tucked away, that you didn't even know about, especially when they're from your own family?! My Mom has that same recipe box with the copper pots and pans on it, I have my MIL's wooden one, and I don't have one of my own because I hate to cook!

  11. Ann, You are absolutely right! Finding recipes in our mother's and grandmother's handwriting is just as valuable as jewelry!

    I was thinking of making dishtowels with images of my mom's recipes on them. I think aprons would be so much fun too!

    Have a great week!

  12. Back to say thank you, Ann, for popping in to see me. Are you trying out any of those recipes?
    If you do, you'll have to let us know.
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia :)

  13. Your cookbook is a true treasure. I own a similar version myself. :)

  14. What a fabulous treasure trove of recipes you have, filled with memories and history!

  15. What a wonderful surprise!!!!Having family recipes and photos is the best!
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  16. What fun to have your families recipe boxes!! I do have my mom's and it so much fun to look through!!Memories! What a fun picture of your grandma!! Just found your blog, I'm your newest follower!!


  17. I have a lot of hand written goodies in my kitchen drawer as well. Love them. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  18. What a wonderful post! Love the old kitten print and your trip down memory lane with all those recipes must've been so much fun. It made me think of things my grandmother used to make. And love those vintage kitchen photos!

  19. What wonderful treasures you found. I love that kitten print. It was fun to see the handwritten recipe for snow ice cream. My mom used to make it for us when we would have big snows back in the 1960s. I don't remember ever putting it in the freezer for one hour before eating it. It was made with raw eggs, but we only used the top cleanest layer of snow to make it. Was snow "ice cream" just a St. Louis thing?
