Wednesday, August 15, 2012

A Little Chillin Silver

Last week my BIL and SIL were in town from San Antonio.
I love it because they take me antique buying for their booth.
I decided to head up to Clarksville, Mo and visit our friend
He has a new home for his store and it is beautiful!
Wish I took a picture but I forgot my camera!

But I did find something at the antique mall.

A Poole Silver Ice Bucket....marked 60% off the entire booth.
Love how it opens, with one little lift and no trying to figure out where to sit the lid down.

I cleaned it up....still need to work on it some more
I found the same one on ebay for between $39-$89!
what did I pay?

Would you of bought this beauty?
I can always use another one for company
and my other one is brush stainless.

Now I am so excited..........

Why do u ask?
If you follow my blog you know I have been honored to help my cousin,
who writes Historical novels about our family, The Mitchell's of
Guilford County NC
during the Revolutionary War
and after in 
Jonesborough TN.
Book #3 is done...delivered to me today!
An advanced copy to read and make notes, and send back to 
his publisher by Monday.
So I have housework to do...but hey, I am 
headed out to the porch to read the beginnings of
His website is on my sidebar if you would like to read more.
Here is his blog about the new book.


Colorado Lady 


  1. That was the deal of the century! I've never seen one with the lid attached to it. Very cute. I'll check out your cousin's website. Sounds like an interesting project.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. It's so fun that you just found this. I saw one of these at the Goodwill near my house last week! I thought it was so cool how it opened. I hadn't seen one before and then here you came across one too. Cool!

  4. Great silver!!!! How wonderful that you have been able to help with the family project- xo Diana

  5. Fascinating about your storied family and wow what a transformation on the ice bucket.

  6. that was a great find, I have one ice bucket, the standard oldie with the penguins on it, I keep it stored so far back in the cupboard I forget to use it!

  7. That is such a great find. I like that.

    My grandfather was born in Clarkville,MO. His parents moved on to St Joe and then to Ks but some stayed. I do not know if I have family still there or not. I have heard of Richard but maybe from your blog.

    The book sounds neat. What a great idea to write about.

  8. Wow Ann, how fun that you get to help with the book. What a neat claim to fame. lol! I love your treasure and for only $10. You bet I would have snatched it up. I think it cleaned up beautifully. I have heard of Richard and visited him a couple of times. Thanks so much for sharing with Share Your Cup.

  9. Love your silver ice bucket. My mom has one just like it and I have always admired it. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley


  10. Oh darn wish I knew you were heaed to Richard's I would have loved to meet you all over there

    love that silver ice bucket , nothing like a bargain
    and how interesting about the book and family history is the best

  11. Oh wow, what a fabulous find. Love that ice bucket. How fun is that and it shines beautifully. Hugs Marty

  12. What a steal on the ice bucket! I almost bid on a similar one on Ebay about a month ago, but it was past the $10 mark! How neat to have a cousin who writes about your family's history!
