Saturday, June 16, 2012

Pink or Green? You be the judge

I had some Zinnia's come up volunteer from last year.
Seems as if I have a unusual one that can't make up it's mind.
Last year I had planted some Lime Green Zinnia's
I love it! 

Have a Happy Pink Saturday!


  1. How pretty! Zinnaa are one of my favorite summer bloomers, and I've never seen one just like this!

  2. How unusual AND beautiful!!! Lucky you!

  3. Wow. This is a pretty combination. It is pretty enough to eat. What flavor is it? Ha. Ha.

    Mrs. D.

  4. What a beautiful flower !! i would love a wh9ole bed of those. Smiles, Susie
    p.s. love your header photo.

  5. You have a beautiful entry this week.

    Happy Pink Saturday. Come and take a peek at my PINK when you get a chance. Enjoy Father's Day!

  6. OMGoodness- What a beautiful flower- I have never seen one with that coloration- xo Diana
