Monday, May 28, 2012

Hydrangea's Hard at Work for the Table Tops

I have done several post with my hydrangea's this year.
They are the best they have ever been, huge plentiful blooms and gorgeous colors.
So for our Memorial Day party I was anxious to make several bouquets.
What could hold my huge Annabelle blooms?
I decided my silver ice bucket.
Looks patriot to me.
It was hot so I was anticipating some use of the dining room,
but we endured outside all day into the night.

I love my silver compote and wanted to make an arrangement.
Luckily I had a another silver container with a frog and it fits my compote!

My Pink Ever Bloom ready for the coffee table.

coffee table in the living room

The Nikko Blue went in Mason jars on all the tables.
Everyone took bouquets home with them.

My MIL got the biggest bouquet

We had a great time!

The twins and cousin Fred drove 2 hrs to get here!
and the other sweet lady is our neighbor and Greta's babysitter.
And I have to brag a little...........
Mr. worked hard and made great brats and pulled pork
Mr's brothers and Fred hung out on the deck, next the BBQ.
Must be a "man thing"!

My favorite thing of all.........

What is better than a four generation picture!
My MIL, son, Grandaughter and Great Grandaughter.
I am so proud of my MIL, 88 in 3 months and going strong!

My beautiful nieces

We always do Memorial Day on Sunday.
That way everyone can get together and still have Monday 
to relax before heading back to work.

Thank you to all the men and women
who served to ensure we have a day like today.
Your are not forgotten...



  1. BEAUTIFUL POST! I loved looking at all "Your Beautiful People"! My Mom is 88 today!!! Your hydrangeas are GORGEOUS!!! Ours here are just coming into bud...
    Have a wonderful week,

  2. Oh what a lovely post. YOur family is so lovely and looks like you were all having so much fun together. Your hydrangeas are stunning and all of your bouquets were gorgeous. Thanks so much for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  3. I love hydrangeas but can't grow them here so I just enjoy everyone elses :) It looks like you and your family had a lovely time!

  4. Beautiful family and beautiful Hydrangeas.
    Happy Memorial Monday

  5. SWEET BLOG! I LOVE your HYDRANGEAS! especially the ANNABELLES.....I have some too! I hope mine are as LOVELY and BIG as yours!! Your family is your sweet blog! from one sweetie to another.....Roxie

  6. Beautiful hydrangeas and looks like a wonderful family gathering.

  7. Oh my goodness...what wonderful hydrangas. Thye are hugh. I love all the colors too. Great family pictures:):) Smiles, susie

  8. The hydrangeas in that awesome compote are gorgeous Ann and giving them away in jars is so sweet of you.

  9. Your hydrangeas are absolutely gorgeous. What a lovely family!

  10. I have been yearning for an Annabelle hydrangea for years.

  11. What a wonderful celebration with family and friends. Your hydrangeas are absolutely beautiful! Happy Memorial Day to you-xo Diana

  12. Sound you had a great time.

    Wow! Your MIL & my dear old mum are gorgeous, indeed! Mum will be 88 on June 5. What a great age.

    Happy Memorial Day.


  13. Beautiful flowers and an amazing family!!! What a wonderful day...

  14. What great family photos! Sounds like you all had a great time. I'm totally drooling over your gorgeous hydrangeas, wish I could grow them. They look especially pretty in your silver pieces!

  15. Such a luxury to grow hydrangeas! Mine are from the nursery. Yours are FABULOUS! So fun to see everybody's fun celebrations!

  16. You have a beautiful family....and love all your pretty hydrangea arrangements!

  17. Your arrangements are just beautiful!
    It sure looks like you had a wonderful time with family.

    Have a great week!
    Aledia @ Plum Perfect

  18. Ann, those hydrangea bouquets are absolutely incredible! What lucky guests to get to take them home!

    Happy Memorial Day to you. It looks like you had such a fun party!


  19. Hi Ann! Oh, my goodness your hydrangeas are just so gorgeous! Such pretty colors too. You have a lovely family and I'm sure you all had a wonderful time. Your little mother is so cute! My mother is 88 too!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  20. WOW what a great assortment of Hydreangeas. They are all beautiful as well as your family.


  21. Stunning. Your hydrangea are just stunning. Mine is small, green, alive, but will it produce blooms? good question.

  22. Hi lovely lady.
    Your Hydrangeas are Beautiful!! I also love your photo of your lovely family, looks like you all had a wonderful time together. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my new Tablescape for the Memorial day.
    XXOO Diane

  23. Hi Ann! Just catching up with you. LOVE all of your metal garden chairs, the FREE pink McCoy pottery (so jealous), and your hydrangea arrangements. I wish I was brave enough to cut some of mine, but I can never bring myself to do it!

  24. Looks like you had such a wonderful family time.

  25. The hydrangeas are gorgeous. Always love them in mason jars, but with the silver...took my breath away!

    Looks like a wonderful weekend!
    We did our family gathering on Sunday too.....
