Sunday, April 1, 2012

What is on your agenda this Sunday?

That is what Mr. said last night as we sat on the front porch, him sipping a cold one
 and me a bottle of Ski soda.
Yard work!

I went to the garden center yesterday with my minimal budget and got a flat of pansies and a flat of alyssums so today they are going in.
Here is how the yard and neighborhood are shaping up

My Lilac is beautiful this year, with bouquets abundant in the house, so aromatic

The neighbors Dogwood and Redbud
I am so fortunate that all of us love gardening. Her Lilac is blooming too.

Now for the crowing glory
The Wisteria that usually blooms in April/May!

Tulips for bouquets
My boomerang Lilac is blooming the best yet, this is its 2nd spring.

And I love the view from the porch
This is my view from the porch.
My Mom's Iris and the Boomerang Lilac

Mr. brought home all the geraniums and ferns from his business where they winter, 
so I will be trimming and fertilizing.

Tonight is also the kick off of the neighborhood
"Porch Party"
We have them on Sunday nights on the porch, the neighbors come over, drink some wine, eat some appetizers and visit. It reminds me of growing up in my hometown. I am so blessed by a stable, older neighborhood, where the everyone watches out for each other and cares about each other.
In these times, what more could you ask for.

Happy Sunday



  1. A porch party?? How fun is that? Love that tradional neighbor love Ann.
    Nothing is blooming here. It's lightly snowing.
    Off to a hockey game with friends and relatives. I better ger ready.
    Happy pretty spring.

  2. Oh- that makes me miss our old neighborhood. We had porch parties and so much fun. I love all your pictures...and your flowering trees are just wonderful. We have a few things blooming here but our lilacs don't really start until May sometime. I know you have probably said before (I'm old-I don't remember) what part of the country are you located in?

    Blessings- xo Diana

  3. I love wisteria as long as it belongs to someone else. I am glad you live in such a great neighborhood. I am sunning on the deck.

  4. Hello.
    Just wisit your lovely blog and i follow :)

    Have a nice day!

    Love Camilla from Norway.

  5. Hi Ann! Oh, the springness is so beautiful around your area!
    Thanks for popping in to see me.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Well, Sunday is over. It was a busy week-end with gardening projects. It looks you are well ahead of us in your spring color. I really like the red bud. we grow them here in Colorado, but I have had two not make it through the winters. Waiting on our lilacs. Don't you love the fragrance? Happy Easter.

  7. Oh, your lilac are in bloom already?! Here we have to wait at least 1½ month before we see any flowers, but that's ok. We're used to it.
    Lovely flowers you show us. I loved the white iris.
    Hope you have a nice day.
    Love Elzie

  8. Everything is so beautiful this spring, but we sure could use some rain. I love my Easter Card. Happy Easter. Richard from My Old Historic House.

  9. I miss lilacs. When we lived in a more Northern area, I used to see them, but never here in Texas. Love to hear about your porch parties. Sounds fun!!

  10. That Wisteria is amazing! I love your lilacs! I just found Bloomerang Lilacs at Sam's Club at a terrific price. Your Easter preparations are looking fantastic! Hope you have a happy and blessed Easter!
