Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Vintage Easter Basket

I still have my Easter Basket from my childhood
and my Easter Bunny
This the Easter Basket my Grandmother made up for me and had it at her house.
I even have a picture of me holding it, but I am not organized enough and don't have that picture scanned yet.

The colors may be a little faded, the green, the pink. But the memories of Easter with my Grandparents, Parents and my brother are vivid in my mind.

Yes,  I know the bow is discolored and spotted but I can't replace it, Grandma put it there with her little hands with so much love.

My bunny is in great shape.
I found my Easter basket when cleaning out my Grandparents home, after my Grandfather died.
I know you all wonder why I kept so many things?
Because I was so fortunate to grow up in such a loving family and these things represent the love they showed me.

Have a Bless Easter


  1. I still have mine too! Hope you have a blessed Easter as well, Gail

  2. What a delight! I actually don't wonder why you have such things Ann, I believe like me you find great comfort being surrounded by things you grew up with. I'm just sorry that I don't have more!
    Happy Easter dear friend
    Rose H

  3. I love that you have this. How wonderful after all these years. I think somehow you have fallen off my blog list. I am putting you back on. Hmm. Wonder how that happened.

  4. Ann,
    It is a beautiful basket and I can tell it brings back so many lovely memories for you! I did not get a chance to know both my Grandmothers. To sad as I heard many lovely stories about them. You are so lucky to have all these treasures. Happy Easter my friend..

  5. LOVE your Grandma's dishes!
    That is awesome that you have your Easter basket. Wish I had one of my old ones. I think it's also great that you have kept treasures of the past.
    Easter Blessings!

  6. Such treasures you have kept.
    How wonderful you have such happy memories in your heart.
    Happy Easter to you!

  7. I always had those plastic baskets and my mom and grandma were pitchers. They pitched everything that wasn't useful anymore and got rid of the old stuff and bought new because they could finally afford to. You know what its like working the shoe factory in Charleston all your life, and then finally getting good pay jobs.

  8. Hi Ann,
    I can certainly understand keeping your Easter basket and what you said about your Grandmother and the love that put that basket together struck a cord with me. I was so blessed to have had such a wonderful Granny too.
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and the lovely comment that you made.
    Have a blessed Easter.

  9. I am the same way, Ann. So many things have a wonderful memory attached to is really hard to let them go. How wonderful that you have that basket! xo Diana

  10. Oh how wonderful! I love having things that connect us to our past and families. Sweet basket & bunny!

  11. My Grandmother was the same way!! I love your basket! I have one that my grandma made for me when I was a little girl. Your bunny is wonderful too! Enjoy your treasures and your sweet memories!

    :) Michelle

  12. Such a treasure!

    Easter greetings from Australia♥

  13. I love that you mention your loving family and that your treasures have such happy memories attached. That is wonderful and your bunny is darn cute.

  14. I had one of my baskets for years and years too, I think it finally fell apart! I am glad yours is still in great shape! Happy VTT

  15. I did have a basket in my young days, but Lord only knows it was not kept. Time changes what is important in our life sometimes too late tho.

  16. You are so lucky to have such a sweet basket from your grandmother!! A beautiful memory for you! That makes me think that there is not one picture of me at Easter!

  17. I remember when we got baskets like this and I love, love, love that green grass. What's that all about? Happy Easter my friend. Richard from My Old Historic House

  18. That is so precious, the basket and bunny but especially the story behind them. Happy Easter.

  19. I am glad to know someone else talks about their grandparents like I do
    I love my Grandmother so much, Grandma Baker that is

    your basket is precious

  20. You are so lucky that your parents and grandparents left so many wonderful things for you! That Easter bunny is spectacular! Happy Easter to you and your family!!!

  21. Such sweet treasures! Love all your Easter decor! Wishing you a Happy Easter!
