Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Woman's Treasures

I know you all are always wondering how my family kept all the things they did? 
I truly think in past times it was not a "disposable" society and when you had something you kept it.
So many of the things I show you, I say they were my Grandmothers. But many of the things I got from her was actually HER Grandmothers.
I inherited my Great Great Grandmothers linens, dishes, silver, glass ware and other treasures.
One item is this tiny little stoneware jug.
It use to sit on my Grandmothers corner cabinet in her Living Room.
After my Grandfather died, the cabinet went to my Mom, and after she died I now have it in my Dining Room. Mom kept all the items in the same spot as her Mom and of course I have not broke with tradition!

The little jug sits on the top shelf with my Great Grandmothers doll.

Tucked inside is a little note, I have to take it out with tweezers.
In my Mom's handwriting
When you turn it over is says in my Grandmother's handwriting,
"Mom's Mom"
This must of been a cherished piece. Where did she get it? Why did it mean so much that 4 generations later is still has a place of honor?
I guess I will never know.
But I do know that Margaret Ellen Wilson Cash was a sweet caring Mother, Grandmother and Great Grandmother.
My Grandmother loved her Grandmother dearly and I felt through her I got to know her too.
She did not die until my Mom was in her late 20's and married.
She was 93.
I love this picture, the baby is my Grandmother Ruth Virginia, her Mother Nina Pearl, Grandmother Margaret Ellen and her Great Grandmother Keziah.
I also have all their jewelry boxes.

Maybe it does not matter how small or insignificant a piece maybe. To me it is priceless if it was cherish by one of my dear Grandmothers.

Joining Colorado Lady for


  1. Ann- How wonderful that you have so many pieces. I have a few and I am so thankful to have them all. I love that they were loved by someone that went before me. We also had a Keziah in the family. I never knew anyone else that had a relative named that. Aren't some of those old names funny? She was a twin and the twin's name was Tezrah...and the whole family was Irish but I have no idea where those names came from. xo Diana

  2. How I envy you having so many pieces and memories to connect you with your family. Thanks for sharing that with us, I love hearing about their lives.

  3. How wonderful to have so many things passed down to you - especially family photographs.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  4. How beautiful that you have so many family treasures! I have a few and am thankful for that. Enjoy your day, Gail

  5. As we get older, we appreciate these things more, I like this post! And, I love your corner shelf!

  6. How wonderful to have family treasures. Love this and I just love the pictures ;-)

  7. Oh goodness - - - you are SO right about "them" never throwing things away.

    One of my Aunts STILL can't throw anything away, having grown up through the great depression and all. She reuses EVERYTHING and is still only on her 3rd roll of "new" aluminum foil after 50 years of marriage - - - well, I guess she MIGHT POSSIBLY be on roll #4 by now.

  8. HI Ann! You're so fortunate to have all of these treasures passed down to you from your family! Aren't you glad they didn't throw anything away. Love that you have pictures too! What lovely ladies!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  9. How nice that all of you have done such a great job of taking care of the families most cherished memories and keepsakes. I would like to think my family would do the same that's how sweet I think that is.
