Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Good...The Bad....and the Ugly of Saturday

Oh....well day #1 of my vacation.
The day started great!
I went to my MIL's to meet up with my BIL and SIL who are here from Boerne, Texas
 to go antiquing.
We no more had headed out and we saw this!
Adorable little house in the "Dogtown" area of St. Louis.
Neat as a pin. Sign says....ESTATE SALE.
It was the second day of the sale and the family was so nice, they said just make 
an offer on the items.
My SIL and I wandered around picking up things, coming up with ideas 
to repuropse.

It was worth it to see the house! The front door was gorgeous, beautiful wood and round.
Hardwood floors, stained glass windows.
I adored the kitchen.
Love that black and green tile!
Great faucet and love the window sill.
I wonder what she watched out the window all those years, they had lived their since the 1950's.

Here is the load, table, tools, linens, lace yes some Pyrex that I talked my sil into, an great old add machine, vintage fans.
SIL and I headed to the car for BIL to do the haggling! 
I spent a whopping $2.25
A vintage Easter basket for .25 cents and 2 old cookbooks.
One was the original Joy of Cooking, a present for MR.
who refers to it at his bible for cooking.

Then it was on to the Green Shag Antique Mall that was also having an estate sale.
This was not far from where I work and I had NO idea it was there.
Packed with quality stuff.
So BIL and SIL went to work.
My kind of stuff, linens, silver, kitchenware
yep Pyrex!
Oh, Butterprint! My friends pattern, color was good but the bottom
is scratched and looks almost like pencil marks? 
Mine are the same, can I get that off?
So I passed.

Time to load up the truck. Taking plenty back to their booth in Boerne.
I wish I would of spotted the enamelware bath tub 1st!!
Pink enamelware pan set, silver, a pedestal table, mirrors, mason jars, 
BIL taking apart a great Formica fold out table with drawer.
I got a couple of was very exciting.
Can you tell this was all the

Now the 
Remember, my car is at my MIL's
We came back to this.......
It hailed while we were gone and this hail was about 20 minutes old

My new car has this.........
One huge dent from hail.........
It could of been worse.

Well time to go home, get Mr. and head 
downtown St. Louis for a family dinner party my
BIL and SIL were throwing for his 65th birthday.

Mr., his sister, Mom and his other sister.
6 out of the 8 were there.
Great dinner!
But oh no...........

The restaurant manager came in and wanted to know what kind of cars we were driving?
OK, a huge hail storm had just came through downtown St. Louis and some cars parked
in Valet had windows knocked out.
Wasn't us, thank goodness....right.

I can't show you, my 7 month old 535 BMW looks like Swiss Cheese and 
my BIL truck had the rear view mirrors knocked out.

I was hoping my luck was going to change this vacation.
But my dear SIL who just finished chemo in January reminded us, it is a small thing
in life, to small to worry about.
Mary Lou you have it so right!

On to 1515 and more adventures in the morning.
Will be driving the Swiss Cheese on over!!


  1. What a creative title and organization to this post!

    That house is just plain charming.

    Hopefully your insurance will pay for the hail damage to be repaired. Those were some HONKIN' big hail stones.

  2. I spotted the Pyrex immediately! The "good" sounds like you had lots of fun...sorry about the "ugly". I saw the news story about that hail storm...sorry you were part of it!!!

  3. Hail is Mother Nature's Scourge. We get our share here, praying with every thunder storm to luck out. Here at the Garden Spot it really isn't that big a deal because we live in a farming community, so when the farms get hail, it is a major disaster. So sorry about your new car. Compared to Chemo not biggy, huh? I have a Joy of Cooking cookbook that looks just like the one you found, only not quite in such rough shape. It was a gift from my grandmother to her daughter-in -law, my mother. I do use it. It has the best ginger bread recipe. Happy vacation.

  4. Awww-that hail sounds awful!! I'm sorry your vehicles got damaged. The rest of the outing sounded like is was a great day though!

  5. oh I do hope your insurance covers this damage. I am shocked to see hailstone that size, being from the UK we're used to bad weather but I have never seen anything that big before. I hope your day got better!, hugs Sally x

  6. Hi Ann! Oh, I'm so sorry your precious car got the hail damage! That was some big hail! I'm sure you had lots of fun at the sweet house estate sale and the antique shop. Hope all was uphill after that!
    Be a sweetie,
    shelia ;)

  7. I am sooo sorry about your sweet little car! That is awful...just awful.

    I am glad, though, that you got to go through the house and get a few things. I often wonder, too, when I enter a house where the people that lived there sat or stood and what they saw as they watched the world move around them. xo Diana

  8. I am so sorry to hear about the dents. I think your good deals softened the blow.

    Thank you for your kind comments. You are such a blessing to me.

    I will be having a Mother's Day giveaway this next Friday with glimpses of whats up for grabs all this week. :)

  9. The estate sale looks like a real treasure trove. And a wonderful family gathering. It is too bad about the hail though. I'm sure you felt kind of sick when you saw the damage.

  10. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your car, and a BMW. Yikes, my hubby has one, and I know they are not cheap to repair. Looks like you had otherwise though.

  11. WOW, you had alot of luck hitting the estate sales and thrift stores! LOVE that formica table especially.
    Sorry about your car. I'm always afraid of a hail storm, because my van is the one car that doesn't go in the garage!
