Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Saturday Flea Market Vintage Thingie

On Saturday I told one of my coworkers that the monthly flea market was on this last weekend at a local fair grounds. So after she got off work she met me there. And oh did we have fun!!
Check out this sugar sacks for $1

C&H sugar
Domino Sugar

But my favorite is this one

My friend who grew up in California recognized this Holly sugar
sack instantly

So what to do with them?
After a good wash and re-starch I am going to make pillows out of them for the kitchen at 1515.
What do you think for $3?

 I also picked this up, 1/2 off the price you see
A pretty creamer for $4

My friend got some sugar sacks too, a hand crotchet tablecloth.

Then I spied some Pyrex for her, about daisy and spyrograph
casseroles with the lids..both for $15
and I got a primary color bowl set in great shape for $35!
It had the blue missing but I just found one 2 weeks ago for $4.

Can't wait to get them to 1515 this weekend and displayed in the kitchen.

Thank you to everyone for your kind words of love and support in our loss of our precious Pinky



  1. You made out like a bandit! LOVE those sacks. WOW what a bargain they were and pillows is a great idea...I would just plain sit there and ADMIRE them!!!
    Have a great one,

  2. I love the sugar sacks I was just thinking they would make such cute pillows. and love the creamer also I am looking for dishes like that .
    I want to go to a nice flea market so bad. I am taking a trip south so hope to pass some

  3. Wonderful sacks! Lovely blog, I'm a new follower!
    Anne ♥♥

  4. Love those sacks, and I think using them to make pillows is a great idea!

  5. Love the sugar sacks, not something you see here in Scotland.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  6. My gosh- WHAT a find! What a lucky girl you are! They are great! xo Diana

  7. You scored! Be sure to show us the pillows when you get them made!

  8. What a very good find and a great post today have a beautiful day....

  9. I have been a bit busy and have not been blogging much, so I am a post or two behind. I missed your Easter village that is just so cute. Where did you find the sweet little fence?

  10. The sugar sacks are great! I love finding treasures like these. Love bargain hunting!

  11. What great finds! I can't wait to see the pillows you make. I wish I had a friend who loved vintage. You're lucky to have a friend to pal around with. My kids like to thrift and go to estate sales, so that's nice on the weekends.
    Lynn at Cottage and Creek

  12. The sugar sacks will make great pillows!!
    The creamer is so pretty!
    You guys did good!!!

  13. Love those sugar sacks! That little creamer is a gem too.

    Susan and Bentley
