Sunday, February 26, 2012

A Spring Like Day

Watch out!!!!! Don't get wet!!!
Spring was in the air today! It was over 60 and sunny. We replanted the rose bush from the dig up from our water line and sat on the front porch and took in some rays. But the wind was keeping it from feeling very warm.

She really needed a bath!

Tulips are up!
My rose bushes have new growth on them.
Even the hydrangea is budding

And the Maple trees

Oh Mom's time for a nap.

Hoping your Sunday was warm with love of family.



  1. Oh it was all of 30 today here and windy. UGH- I like your weather so much better. Did you get a chance to sign up for my giveaway today? If not please pop over if you get the chance! xo Diana

  2. Ok, you are giving me spring fever, Ann! How lucky for you that it was so warm there today. Looks like your pup is enjoying it:)

  3. We didn't hit 70! I wish- hope it is coming this way!
    We lost power for awhile this afternoon- the winds were so high here.
    Got to Paris this morning- Kroger and Dollar General.
    Whopper on the way home!
    I am glad you had such a good day there being outside and glad you got your rose bush back in the ground.

  4. Your dog is so cute! And I can't believe how tall your tulips are getting already. My daffodils are just beginning to poke through the dirt. It's going to be several weeks before they bloom.

    Have a great week!

  5. You are far ahead of us in Spring bustin' out. We are in the weeks of wind here. It looks like March will come roaring like a Lion, then maybe spring. Looks as though the pup has as good time out in the sunshine, too.

  6. Unfortunately it rained most of the day here on the west coast of Scotland, but the days are getting longer.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  7. It was a beautiful day. I can't wait for the landscaping to begin!

  8. Good Morning Ann Sweetie...
    A beautiful share. Just look at your home, starting to awaken from it's Winter sleep. It won't be long now.

    Greta sure looked like she was having a great time. She loved her bath, but there is nothing like the shake is there?

    Thanks for sharing dear friend. Wish I could bottle up some of this sunshine and send it your way. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  9. I bet you're relieved to get the bush replanted, an enjoyable task on a lovely sunny day.
    Your dog looks like it had a great day too. All thise little bulbs springing into life :o)
    Have a lovely week.
    Rose H

  10. Hi Ann! Oh, isn't the beginning of spring just wonderful? Glad you got so much done and I'm sure puppy was loving that sun bath.
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)
