Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Vintage Autograph Books

Earlier this week some of you saw my Great Great Aunt Emma's autograph book.
I am so lucky not only to have hers, but my Great Grandmother's and
My Grandmother's.

Let me introduce you.

My Paternal Great Grandmother
Catherine Fitzhue Wilson Galbreath

She was born in 1866, and this is a tin type of her and the
youngest picture I have of her.
Another tin type. She looks so sad her, this was taken
around the time her Mother died when she was 7.

Here is her autograph book.
So many entries from her family members with sweet sayings
and poems of the day.

Her married name is what is written in it.
And it was given to her by her sister Effie

Here Aunt Effie and Mama our riding donkeys in Colorado
Uncle Robert on left with Aunt Effie and Papa holding Mama
on the right.
Circa 1917
She was married on
Christmas Day 1883
Mama and Papa look so very young
They were married
53 years
They lost their farm in the country and their home in town during
the great depression. They moved in and lived with my
Grandparents for a while at 1515.
6 generations have laid their heads down to sleep at 1515.

Here is my Grandmother's

My Grandmother got her autograph book from her sister and brother.

Grandmother, Walter and Bessie

And here is Great Great Aunt Emma's
she was Papa's sister

To read about Aunt Emma

This year I hope you travel along with me as I show you where and from
whom many of my treasures came from and their story.



  1. Oh Ann, I love these autograph books. I too, have a wonderful collection but the folks who owned them were not relatives. You are so lucky to have them from your own family tree. I still buy these beautiful books filled with memories and treasure from those who have past. I think I might repost mine. Have a wonderful day..

  2. What a wonderful vintage feature. You are truly fortunate to have so many great treasures filled with memories.

  3. What a wonderfuf history that you have about your family. I love old autograph books. It's sad that we no longer do these things. I often wonder what will be the heirlooms that we leave behind.


  4. Ann, these are true treasures as is 1515. The Depression was devastating to so many. My husbands parents we so frugal because of it and that is why he is frugal right now. olive

  5. Bigger sigh than before...
    You are so lucky to have so much from your family. No wonder you are so connected to the past and them. How can you not feel them when you hold things like these in your hands and have such wonderful photos of them.

  6. You have wonderful treasures. when looking at those old documents, I am always amazed at the penmanship, the beautiful script that they wrote in. Did you know that school children today in many schools are no longer being taught cursive writing? How sad. There won't be many beautiful little diaries left in attics will there?

  7. What wonderful treasures to have!!! You are so lucky to have the collection and all the great pictures too. I adore autograph books and wish that was something that was still popular.

  8. What a wonderful heritage!! And those autograph books, brought back memories... I remember having one...hmmm wonder what ever happened to it?

  9. You know, I REMEMBER having at least one autograph book when I was in elementary school.

    Have you shown some of these before??? I've seen a couple of them so if you didn't show them, someone else must have!

    Enjoyed the auto-tour!

  10. Wow, that is amazing that the autograph books have withstood the test of time! And that you have them all is a real treasure! Lucky you:)

  11. How lucky you are to have such things and so many old family photographs too.
    Liz @ Shortbread & Ginger

  12. What treasures. You are so very lucky! And I loved the old pictures as well -- they were always so serious in pictures back in the day!

  13. O'Ann what a beautiful family treasure you have! You are so blessed to have them. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your day, Gail

  14. Ann, I just prayed for you and He knows all your needs. Also sending you a big cyber hug from me. I too, am amazed how these lovely books have been preserved over all this time. The handwriting on the pages is so precise and delicate and adds to the loveliness of your treasures. Thank you for being an answer to prayer for me in your comment this morning. You bless me by your beautiful comments.

  15. What a blessing to have such wonderful family treasures! I can tell you are the perfect caretaker...hope you have family that will treasure them after you!

  16. It's just wonderful to know and be personally linked to your vintage treasures. Thank for sharing y0ur stories.

  17. It is too bad the generation today does not have any idea what an autograph book is! This is a neat post. Happy VTT

  18. I love family heirlooms too! Great old photos.

  19. I love your historical posts!!!! I have a few autograph books but they're not family ones. Another wonderful post!

  20. Dear Ann...I absolutely LOVED your posts about your ancestors. How wonderful to have all those photo's and Autograph books with the beautiful penmanship of family members. It's such a shame to see the sweet cottage your Great (GREAT?) Aunts called home loose it's original charm. Hopefully one day someone will buy it and restore it back to the way it once was. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. I hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    Maura :)

  21. Ann you know i LOVE autograph books. Yours are very very special indeed. Adore all your images and your stories. I'm getting more and more stories of our family through Sister's eyes.

  22. These are charming treasures, Ann! Thank you for sharing this fabulous post to Potpourri Friday!

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