Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Is it Hot or What??

All we can think about is staying cool.
Glad I don't have to rely on this like my Grandparents did!

Vintage Fan

Look how the ZERO has icesickles hanging off of it! Do you think it would get that cold?

It hangs out on the bookcase in my Dad's bedroom at 1515

Stay cool! Drink Drink Drink water!!

Joining Colorado Lady for VTT

And it was hot the day of the reunion

Rebecca we missed you!

ps Did Eric lose his sunglasses? Someone stuck some in our box and they arent' ours?


  1. It is hot hot hot here, too. 90+'s and more to come this week. glad your cousin reunion was wonderful. I had my 4 2nd cousins here for the first time. We've never gathered just for fun, aways at funerals. We worked on family genealogy. Cousins are just the best friends, aren't they? Stay cool.

  2. Looks like you and Eric had a good time...even in the heat, but it's worse now. Boy- got up this morning and the humidity in the house was above 50%. I had turned down the thermostat last night and it took forever this morning. Still can't get it below 40% in here, but it's still better than out there. We have 2 bedrooms and a bathroom shut off. Craig's sleeping on the couch until this passes- hopefully Saturday will be the last of this one. I am just too old to sweat! LOL

  3. Yes, it is HOT and I forgot how much I don't like intense heat! Do we see cooler in the near future??? Ilove the fan. The graphics are great on it. Glad you had fun at the reunion. :)

  4. It is HOT here too, my poor window units are running NON STOP! PHEW I am glad we don't have to rely on just fans, even really great vintage ones.
    X's & O's

  5. Hey Girl-I asked Eric and they're not his sunglasses! Wish I could have been there despite the heat! The entertainment sounded really neat~!!!!

  6. Good morning Ann, I like the photo on your header. Is it your garden? Beautiful.

    I too love the old fans. They worked. If you put a block of ice in front of the fan, you have old fashioned air conditioning. Smile.
    Hugs, Jeanne

  7. I love this fan. May daughter has one also. I tried to use it once, and it does give out a nice breeze, but it's very noisy :-)

    Jocelyn @

  8. I know all bot fans from the past as well as today. My AC passed away yesterday. I am using fans until help arrives.

  9. Love the graphics. May my grandma hd one like this. it seemsas if each old fan has a certain noise or hum - in my memory of summer nights.

  10. I used to have one of those cool vintage fans (pun intended!!), and I got rid of it, darn! I don't need a fan out here, it's freezing! Stay cool!!

  11. Love the fan, I have to rely on a modern one to keep cool at night :o(
    Fantastic reunion, how lucky to know so many relatives - and that they are interested enough to meet up!
    Thank you for your sweet comment, though I'm certain Sid must have had dealings before with a hedgehog and knows just how prickly the situation can get! LOL. She sits rooted to the same spot each night and watches Mrs T's antics, though this is the closest I've seen them - just glad I had the camera to hand :o)
    Have a great weekend!
    Rose H

  12. Love, love, love those vintage fans! I wish I had an aqua one.
    It's pretty hot here too....but I don't mind. It was a looooong cold winter.
    Enjoy the weekend.

  13. It is SO hot here! So thankful for AC. Otherwise, we'd be in big trouble!
    Have a wonderful weekend and reunion.
