Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

We celebrate our Independence today, because of so many brave men and women who fought for Independence.

I am reposting this from last year.
It is what is my heart about my country and my family.

They were every day men like Adam Mitchell who found the Battle of Guilford Courthouse on the footsteps of his family plantation.  A second generation American, Presbyterian, husband and father. He fought on the line, he was captured then released. His family hid in a Spring House from the British, his Mother and oldest son protecting the family.
He is my 4th Great Grandfather

10 miles down the road in Gibsonville, NC the Scherer family understood the importance of protecting the land and stood with their neighbors in the Battle of Guilford Courthouse. Jacob Daniel Scherrer, a German immigrant, a strong Lutheran, a husband and a father. He stood with his 22 yr old son, the first to be born in American
They are my 5th and 6th Great Grandfathers

Some were not in the militia but joined and were in the service of their country.
William Galbreath, a 3rd generation American from Westmoreland Co. PA served for more than 7 years.  He was a guard of Cornwallis after his capture. Later his son would marry the Grandaughter of the man who was captured and held by Cornwallis, Adam Mitchell.  He married a young girl he met at a party held for General Washington. He lived to be 81 yrs old.
William Galbreath is my 3rd Great Grandfather

These are not the only ones I honor today:
John Galbreath of Patriotic Service PA 4th Great Grandfather
John McMachen Civil Service NC 6th Great Grandfather
Elias Tolin Sergant VA 4th Great Grandfather
Edmund Fair Captain NC 4th Great Grandfather
William Barnes Pvt NC 4th Great Grandfather
Henry Sousley Pvt  PA 5th Great Grandfather
Johann Ament Pvt VA 5th Great Grandfather

I can not even begin to comprehend the sacrifice these men made to fight for the Independence of America. The passion and love they felt for this new country.

Please take a minute and think of those who made this all possible and those that continue everyday to maintain our Independence.


  1. happy 4th of July weekend. Richard at My Old Historic House

  2. This was a beautiful post. I like to remember the true reason of this wonderful holiday. What a great family you have descended from! Anne

  3. Happy Pink Saturday Ann Sweetie...
    A gorgeous share of course. So beautiful and I love the tributes to the family. History is so wonderful and I love it that we are still passing it down to our children to share with theirs one day when we are long gone from this world.

    Thank you sweetie and Happy 4th of July to you and yours as well. Sounds as though you are going to have a wonderful weekend. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  4. Amen!
    You come from a great family line and your lineage is in great hands- keep passing it on down!

  5. Such great history you have! We have much to be thankful for in America. This month the first edition of a book, Phantom Seven, I wrote about my father and his WWII cohorts will be released. The book is my way of honoring my father and others who served to continue giving us our freedom. Happy July 4th weekend with your family!

  6. I loved this post with the family history. I don't know why-but I'm working two Sunday's this month and the next one will be on the 17th. I guess I thought the reunion was the 24th, so I hate that I won't be there-I so enjoy it! I will be open by 1:00pm tomorrow-hope to see you!

  7. A very loving tribute, A family of honor.

    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  8. Beautiful tribute, Ann! Alot of people forget that it's not just about shooting off 1/4 sticks of dynamite in their yards and scaring the daylights out of their neighbors. It's our country's birthday!
    Happy 4th,
