Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snowed in? How about reading a book?

Seems like everyone is snowed or iced in from what I am reading. I guess it is a good time to read a book. If you like historical fiction I have a couple for you to read. Although I am pretty bias when it come to these books...........

This is the story of my GGGGrandfather, his parents, siblings and Grandmother. It was written by my cousin David Bowles.

Until about 4 yrs ago I did not even know David. But as I said in my last post, you need to share the family information and treasures you have with your family for the next generations.

My entire life I have known the story of my ancestors who lived at Guilford Courthouse NC. That had a large farm "plantation"  and large extended family. When the Revolutionary War broke out the fighting landed on their doorsteps into a large battle, The Battle of Guilford was fought on their farm. My ancestor Adam went of to fight with his neighbors as part of the militia. The family sought refuge in the Spring House, to hide from the British. Unfortunately they were discovered but Adam's mother sat on a truck with all the family valuables including pewter and the bible and told the British solider "Sir, you may kill this old lady if you wish, but I am not moving from this trunk". My GGGGGGrandmother is my hero and admire her so.

There were 12 children and 2 of the families communicated all the way up until the 20th century. But we did not know David from daughter Rebeckah until I found the book! The words of my ancestral Grandmother were the did he know? The words were passed from generation to generation, they had to be true due to the fact our families had not seen each other since about 1810!

Meeting David and becoming true cousins has been a joy to me. He has been able to come to our family reunions in Illinois from his home in Texas. He has shared his wonderful family with me. But the most fun has been doing research with and for him. I love doing historical research. So when he got ready to write his second book he asked me to help with the research which I did and also got to read the book before it was published and edited. I was even able to tell David that his ancestral Grandmother's name was spelled Rebeckah as seen in the 1767 bible that is in my families possession.

This is the finished product. And I have harassed him enough he is now writing another book with my GGGGrandfather John, son of Adam. Once again I have been able to look over documents and help David with historical accuracy. I know it is time for him to move onto his family roots...forging ahead and establishing Texas.

Here is what it looks like when we are doing some work on the book.

David and the girls Lulubelle and Daisy leaving 1515 in July
If anyone of this sounds interesting and your have the wintertime boredom they are a great quick read.
this is his website or he can be found on facebook.

So the conclusion, SHARE your information......even 250 years later it may change someones life! Margaret hid that Bible and in 2006 it helped to write a book and it still exists today.


  1. So freaking cool! I am going to look for his books! This is just so amazing, and I am so glad you get to help him with his research!.
    Hugs- Tete

  2. Oh, I have a collection of diaries written by women during their trek across the country in the 1800's. I love those kind of books. I'm so impressed with how those women had to live. They really make me appreciate my microwave, hot shower, etc. Thanks for sharing these reads.

  3. Ann,

    Thanks for sharing about David's books and thanks for helping him with the research. As his editor, I know how challenging it is to get all the facts straight.
