Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Vintage Greeting Card Book

I enjoy collecting vintage post cards and greeting cards. About 6 years ago I found a fabulous book all about post cards and greeting cards from the 1930's. It is full of pictures of story displays and history of greeting cards. I payed more for it than I do most things...but have not regretted it.

Info about Valentines Postcards

Wouldn't you love to walk into a Dime Store and find these cards?

My Valentine girl Hummel loves the book to!

Joining Suzanne at Coloradolady for Vintage Thingie Thursday


  1. That is a nice collection of vintage cards. I must do a post on my Hummels. I have lots of them and some very old. I have this little Valentin girl.

  2. I would love to have that book. I think that is one that I bid on in ebay once and didn't win.

  3. I am so glad you posted this. I have never seen this one and will be on the look out for it!
    I just got 2 new PCs in the mail today- come check them out!
    Also- FB has a new group to: Save the Will Rogers Theatre. Go join in!
    Hugs- Tete

  4. That looks like a neat book. I'll have to be on the lookout for it. Love the Hummel girl. I went to an antique show this weekend and there was a vendor with at least one hundred of them. They had them priced VERY high though.

  5. That is such a sweet vintage book. And the silver in the next post makes my heart go pitter pat!

  6. What a neat book-I'd love to look thru it sometime when we're together! Great vintage valentines!

  7. Great olden book. I loved our Dime Store, didn't you?

  8. I've got all kinds of vintage valentines and would love more information about them. Nice book.

  9. Thanks for stopping by, and leaving such lovely comments, the pitcher I found I was clueless of what pattern it was and then you left your comment
    about your Grandmas collection, and light bulb went off oh yes I've had that pattern before.... Any who... thanks for the help, and I am selling it $10 it is in near perfect condition one very small flea bite... let me know if your interested. Oh by the way I am loving your Blog~ Hugs, Diane

  10. What a wonderful book this is, I would love to have that to display.
    Thank you so much for stopping by and the well wishes.
    By the way, I really like the "potting shed" and watering cans in your banner. I collect watering cans but I really don't have that many, they're getting so expensive anymore.

  11. Bring your car, girl. The roads are melted and clear with warmer temps for the weekend, it should all be melting!

  12. I just bought this book off of ebay- 1956 printing for $10 plus $3 to ship. There is one on there now for $24 that's the 1926 printing.

  13. Love the cover of that book!

  14. I love your Hummel. I think that one is so cute;. I am sorry you lost your friend, sending warm thoughts your way. It is never easy to lose anyone, I hope someone is there for her family too. Happy VTT!

  15. beautiful book and I agree - some things are worth spending a little more on! I rarely ever find vintage postcards or greeting cards when I'm out thrifting. Sad, because they are fabulous! -diane
