Monday, December 20, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree

I have not shown you the tree at my house since we put it up. You saw 1515 but here is the one at home.

Living Room with tree and I see Pinky made it in the picture too!

By day

By night

The pictures don't do it justice. It is old fashion with large lights, some blink, tinsel and antique family ornaments mixed with newer Hallmark.

This is my favorite ornament from my childhood and it always gets hung first. I don't know why I love it so, but when I got married and left home I asked my Mother if I could have it.

This is one that I had bought my Mother, it was one of her favorites.

I love Rudolph, I have a huge collection which I had on display when my house was on a Christmas House Tour. The last 2 years I have not put it out. This is one my Grandmother bought me and had my name engraved on it.

One of my friends went to Chicago and found these new Shiny Brite ornaments and brought them home to me on the that is friendship!!

It is a busy week ahead and luckily I only work 2 days this week. I hope everyone enjoys all the days leading up to Christmas.

Linking with Cleo at House of Roses for


  1. Good Morning Ann Sweetie...
    What a beautiful share this morning. I love your old fashioned tree. It is exquisite, both in day and night light.

    I love the old bell ornament. Isn't it lovely? Gold for CHRISTmas. I too would have asked for it I am afraid. So pretty.

    Love your rudolph ones as well. He has always had such a special place in my heart.

    How special of your friend to find you that box of Shiny Brites for your tree as well. A treasure to last a lifetime.

    Thank you for blogging with me this year. I have so enjoyed visiting with you. May God bless you and your family this beautiful CHRISTmas season. Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  2. I love your tree! I love the old fashioned look with the large light bulbs and the old and newer ornaments. Thanks for sharing some of them with us. Merry Christmas!

  3. I LOVE your old-fashioned tree and that box of Shiny Brites....oh, be still my heart :)

    Merry CHRISTmas!

  4. Hi Ann, Your tree looks so pretty with all the vintage ornaments. And you are right that is a great friend that hand carried the box of ornaments on her flight back. Have a Happy Christmas........Julian

  5. Looks like you're already for the big day-the tree looks great-loved seeing Pinky too!

  6. Such a pretty tree. I love to mix the old and the new together. I like the branches on your tree. Sounds strange, but they look old fashioned with how they stick out at different places. Not like the trees they stick in the shaper machines. Very pretty.

  7. Oh, I love that Pinky made an appearance! He looks just like my very favorite cat! (we have 4)
    Your tree is lovely. I agree, pictures rarely do them justice.
    I have some ornaments very similar to your favorite one, and they are some of my favorites as well.

  8. Love your ornaments and your tree is wonderful. Looks like the ones I had at the Inn. Thanks for sharing the stories, too behind the ornaments! Yes, great minds think alike--hehe

  9. Your tree is so pretty! And I am loving the header picture. The outside is just fantastic!! Wish my front looked as festive!

    bee blessed
