Monday, November 29, 2010

Let the work begin!

On Saturday we went with my brother and sister in law to get out Christmas trees. I wonder what people think when they see 2 trees tied up on top of our SUV?

They had a reindeer for the kids to have their picture taken with, she was interested in eating marshmallows!
My brother checking things out.

Mr. Sentimental likes this one!

Tying them which one is which?

Heidi has to see what Daddy is doing.

It is up, but we won't decorate for a few days so the boughs can drop.

I have so much vintage Christmas that I get a little overwhelmed getting it all out.
Most of this is my Gurley candles.

I have my table that is all white done.

Luckily it was in the 50's so we got most of the outside done.

Yep, that is my sled from when I was little, the skates I bought for only $6, they look brand new!

We had a good but busy weekend. I am off today so I will try to finish my decorating? Hopefully!
Then I can post some of the decorations.


  1. Looking good! I love all your stuff! You dog looks so much like my Max- she passed about 6 years ago. Best dern dog I ever had!
    I'm still recovering from the weekend!
    Hugs- Tete

  2. You are doing great in the decorating dept! Everything looks wonderful. I love the skates on the sled! Nice!

  3. Wow, you are so ahead of me...I better get busy..LOL
    I love the smell of a fresh Christmas tree..We had rain on and off all weekend so Hubby could not put up the lights.I hope next weekend will be clear so we can decorate the outside..
    You have a lovely collection of vintage Christmas decorations..
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  4. I love looking at all your vintage goodies and seeing your dog-wish I could get into the spirit you have!

  5. Can't wait to see all your vintage ornaments. BTW I have a sled with ice skates on my front porch too. Sled is mine from when I was a kid and skates are from a thrift store. We're twins!
