Sunday, October 10, 2010

Vintage Children Books

  I knew Tete at Beyond the Garden Gate was having a collection party and believe me I have COLLECTIONS......but what to post?

I had taken some pictures of my guest room after I got it all cleaned. One of the pictures is of my Mother's books from her childhood. Love the graphic details on them. I can remember reading them when I was little too. I especially loved the story of Poppy.

Have a great Sunday!

The Fairy Tale Book scared me when I was little!!


  1. Welcome to the party! Love your collection. I love childrens books! I have a few but not as bright and pretty! Your books are in really good shape.
    I am so glad you got over your fear of that cover!
    Hugs- Tete

  2. Hey Ann-didn't put two and two together that you were who Tete was talking about-so glad to see you're blogging! Sorry didn't figure that one out on my own-I'm blonde-catching up on all your wonderful pics-why great style you have! Maybe we can get together sometime when you're in Charleston! Love your collections!

  3. Love the books, Ann! The fairy tales are alittle scary :(
